Peugeot 2008 Gets Two New Colors

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In a somewhat underwhelming move, Peugeot Pakistan has decided to divert attention from the much-anticipated Peugeot 3008 or 5008 by introducing two supposedly thrilling new colors for the Peugeot 2008.

Following in the footsteps of Kia Lucky Motors, it appears that the car makers in Pakistan are playing the color card to distract from the absence of more significant releases.

New Colors – The Cosmetic Shift  

The announcement, made through the company’s social media platforms, introduces Panthera Metal and Mercury Blue as the saviors of excitement for the 2008 model.

The attempt to generate enthusiasm falls flat as the marketing jargon attempts to inject adventure into these new colors, describing Mercury Blue as a hue that “sparks adventure” and Panthera Metal as a color that “echoes freedom’s anthem.”

The posts read:

‘Introducing Panthera Metal – A color that echoes freedom’s anthem, inviting you to explore uncharted realms. Get ready for a drive through the concrete jungle celebrating the allure of the open road.’

‘Introducing Mercury Blue – A color that sparks adventure, fueling the thrill-seeker within. Buckle up for a journey where every curve tells a tale of bold allure and get ready to redefine your drive.’

This move seems eerily reminiscent of Kia Motors Pakistan, who, in a similar bid to distract from the mundane, introduced “Clear White” and a “Black Edition” for the Sportage. It’s becoming a predictable pattern – when in doubt, add a dash of color and hope it overshadows the lack of substantial updates.

As Peugeot Pakistan encourages potential buyers to redefine their drive with Mercury Blue’ thrill or Panthera Metal’s illusion of freedom, one cannot help but wonder if these colors are a desperate attempt to breathe life into an otherwise forgettable model.

The Peugeot 2008, with its new colors, might try to create an illusion of excitement, but underneath it all, it’s just a coat of paint on an uninspiring canvas.

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  1. Waqas says

    Like Isuzu is time for Peugeot to leave Pakistan.
    If Isuzu was reliable, Peugeot is absolutely not reliable.

  2. Ali Khan says

    OMG! The sheer audacity of Peugeot! How dare they? have they learned nothing from our great local Japani assemblers on how to do things properly?

    They sold the Mehran (2nd Gen Alto) in Pakistan for over 30 years! But they had the decency of changing the plastic bumper moldings. Regardless of the fact that during that time the rear window defogger went AWOL or that in later models the door ajar sensor was only present in the driver side door or other cost cutting around the car. But who cares right? At least the constant bumper upgrades hid its ‘grandpa’ age and all the necessary stuff they quietly took out.

    The 11th gen corolla is still “king” in Pakistan regardless being over 10 years old. They at least had the decency of changing the bumpers from time to time. Right now, with the new ‘X’ thing they have going on, they have slapped on so much plastic moldings on to the car that the rear looks like a Botox injection gone wrong; which is also reflected in the front bumper because it looks like it is screaming because of it. But that is symmetry! That is the way you distract from the fact that it is essentially a 10 year old car with 10 ten old tech. Learn from it!

    They have earned the right to call it “premium” because they can fake it better. But Peugeot… Colors! really! Who cares if the 2008 a much newer/better/more technologically advanced option? Who cares! Shame on you for only giving color options! Have you learned nothing! 😡🤣🤦‍♂️

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